29, 2008: Indiana Jones 4 in Pasadena set report.
Originally posted to theraider.net
on March 1, 2008:
and site visitor Adam McDaniel has sent us a report from his
visit to the additional photography location in Pasadena, California,
yesterday. Don't expect any spectacular new info but Adam does
describe the exterior pick up shot and talks about his brief
encounter with producer Frank Marshall; who encouraged Adam
to share his experience with the internet audience to make clear
that it were not reshoots.
to Adam McDaniel for sharing his set report with us:
I start writing this, it’s 12:14 p.m….and I’ve got a big, big
smile on my face.
reading an online “leak” about the crew of Indiana Jones
and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull reportedly doing some
pickup shots in Pasadena this morning, I decided to throw caution
to the wind and pay them a friendly (if unannounced) visit.
any one of my friends could tell you, I wanted to work on this
film very, very badly. Snowball’s chance in hell, I figured,
though it didn’t stop me from sending in a resume. (More than
once.) Or calling the production office. (Also more than once.)
But I digress…
was around 7:30a.m. when I found the location, right off of
Orange Grove; I knew it well, having taken it an untold number
times for my frequent, almost weekly visits to South Pasadena.
As I drove down a curved road, the neighborhood of many beautiful
bungalow style homes and mansions, I approached two period cars
and about a dozen or so crew members preparing for a shot.
me just blurt this out now: I’m not posting any pictures, at
least until after Indy IV’s release. What photos I did take
aren’t all that exciting…but since I gave the crew my word,
I must respect the filmmakers’ desire for secrecy. (Few could
claim to be as big or obsessive an “Indyfan” as I, yet I also
strive to be the respectful, gracious Indyfan. I don’t like
being the one to dish out spoilers or gossip, though I’m often
among the first to read about them. When I see a film or television
crew, I try to set boundaries for my curiosity, and not interfere
with other peoples’ work.)
location was beautiful brick home, quite impressive in size,
with at least two 50’s period cars parked in its driveway. Someone
told me it was probably to be the exterior of Indy’s house,
though he wasn’t sure. (If this is the case, globetrotting professors
of archeology must make fantastic money, even by 1957’s standards.)
period cars were parked out in the street – a yellow Mercury
and a green Ford, both sporting 1957 Connecticut plates. The
cars – particularly the Ford, shining and in pristine condition
– were truly beautiful. They were rented for the production,
and their caretaker was a friendly woman named Kelly. We chatted
for a few minutes, and I was amazed how nonchalant the rest
of the crew was to my presence; I even exchanged some pleasantries
with the two police officers guarding the scene from across
the street. I was half expecting to be yelled at or thrown to
the ground, Indy-style fashion…but, fortunately, this was far
from the case.
asked someone if it was OK to take pictures. At first I was
told yes, provided that I refrained while the film’s cameras
were running. Having deliberately left my digital camera inside
my car so as not to draw attention (or make quick enemies),
it was only then that I went to retrieve it. As I marched back
to the location, who should step out from his car but producer
Frank Marshall…who’s eyes immediately focused on my camera.
and weak in the knees, I quickly assured him that I came in
peace and meant no harm -- or something to that effect. He calmly
smiled and said it was fine. (Thank God. Adam shall work another
seconds later, as I approached the house and was ready to take
closer pictures, a young member of the crew politely asked me
to stop. I apologized and immediately honored his request. He
thanked me and said it was still OK to watch. Fine by me I thought,
hoping that I hadn’t completely pissed him off.
shot they were doing was a simple one, a horizontal tracking
shot of the house, done on a small ramp for a minor lift. But
I was amazed at how much work went into it – the security, production
trucks, period cars, and yes, the trademark table of coffee
and doughnuts. I sincerely doubt the shot will be the most memorable
sight in Indy IV, but boy…I’ll be giving it a little cheer when
it makes its way onscreen.
to my car again. I retrieved a glicee print of one of my Indiana
Jones illustrations, which I’d had on hand at home for some
time. Why not? I thought it’d be a nice gift for someone – a
gesture of thanks for bringing Indy back. I handed it to Kelly,
who in turn showed it off to some of the crew. I asked if they
could give it to Mr. Marshall when opportune.
these are nice guys.
I wish I could have worked with them.
dumbly stood across the street for another half hour or so,
keeping quiet and taking it all in. I observed Marshall pacing
the opposite sidewalk, his eyes focused on a small digital camera.
It hits me: This guy’s produced some of the biggest films of
all time. He played the pilot of the “Flying Wing” in RAIDERS
– the guy Karen Allen knocked out with blue blocks, in a cute
little cameo. Marshall’s also a solid director in his own right,
having done an episode of FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON, ALIVE,
EIGHT BELOW, and the camp “creature feature” classic ARACHNOPHOBIA.
turns and slowly approaches me. Playtime’s over, I’m thinking.
Time to go home.
you do me a favor?” he asks.
I shyly, blushingly reply.
no…” he says. Then: “Do you blog?”
immediately blurt out, “Um don’t worry I swear I won’t write
about visiting this if you don’t want me to and…”
no,” Marshall smiles. He then explained that there have been
rumors of extensive reshoots on Indy IV, and wanted to assure
me – and the fans – that this wasn’t the case. If anything,
Marshall said, everything on the production has gone swimmingly
well, and that it’s shaping into one hell of a film.
what I saw, I don’t have reason to doubt Marshall’s claims.
This was, as best as I could tell, merely a pickup shot and
not, as had been reported, a “reshoot”. I did not see one STAR
WAGGONS trailer in sight; neither Spielberg nor Ford were there.
(And if they were, well…my kudos to the crew for hiding them
so well.)
told Marshall how happy I was at the news of Karen Allen’s return.
“Yeah, she’s an absolute sweetheart,” he said. (Perhaps I’m
paraphrasing now, but I’m trying my best to remember his words.)
“Being with these guys is like being with family again.” He
smiled, then added, “Only now, no one’s worried about the size
of their paychecks.”
and others spoke very kindly of Harrison Ford, stating how professional
and approachable he’s been to all the crew. And if the crew’s
treatment of me was any indication, who could possibly blame

original content (c) 2011 Adam McDaniel.